Regular price 280,00 €
Regular price 430,00 €
Regular price 30,00 €
Regular price 350,00 €
Regular price 200,00 €
Regular price 180,00 €
Regular price 200,00 €
Regular price 180,00 €
Regular price 180,00 €
Regular price 200,00 €
Ultra shirt LS - Women - Albedo Ultra compact, lightweight and breathableRegular price 180,00 €
Do you know how our pre-orders work?
The principle is simple. We set pre-order targets, we launch them, and once the targets are reached, we launch production. Why operate with pre-orders? First of all, to avoid producing in excess. Thanks to pre-orders, we only produce the sizes that are necessary and requested. With a normal sales approach, we would end up with unsold stock, which we would have to resell at reduced prices one day or another, otherwise it is money and material lost. Finally, we are a small company, we do not have unlimited cash flow, pre-orders allow us to pay for our productions, so we are not obliged to over-margin our prices in order to have enough cash flow for future productions. We make sure to have a fair and transparent price all year round.
But when will I receive my order?
Very good question! We try to predict the number of pre-orders that we will produce. Thanks to this, we can know (approximately) the number of products per size to produce and therefore the time to produce them. We know that most of our pre-orders are sold and produced in three to four months. This gives us time to receive prototypes, validate them so that the products are of great quality, and then finally produce them and send them to you!